
Surprises are an even bigger part.

I take that last post back. :) I got the part!




17 days until tour rehearsals.
Cut my leg.
Walk with a limp.
Found a cat.
Going back to school.
Can't wait for mission trip.
Still need money.
Voice lessons going well.
My leg hurts.
Dad got a blackberry.
Very jealous.
Almost Summer.
Picking Electives.
Filling out forms.
Hope they don't make me take tests.
What song for auditions?
What monologue?
Oh, I don't know.
Auditions soon.
What is Dr. Dolittle even about!?
My leg won't stop stinging.

I think that basically sums it all up.



Sorry for not posting for so long. I've been realllllyyyy busy...
I am AMAZINGLY excited because the part of the evil queen had opened up in the tour of my play. I want this part with all of my heart <3 <3 <3 Please, please, plaeeeease, Mrs. Joe Ann? :)
I have the Snow White Tour, Dr. Dolittle, then Prince and The Pauper to be in. Then I get a break. :) Not that I want one. At all. I love my theatre. Anyways. I have to go.. Wish me luck!!
Hanna :)


Why Hello There(:

Wow um..
It's been forever since I posted. Sorry about that.. First, Facebook ate my life, then the play, then school.. Now another play is just beginning. You missed Sleepy Hollow.. That was the play that ate my life. Now It's Snow White, and I'm a dove. :)
So my birthday was a couple months ago, I'm a little taller, I got a facebook and.. Yeah.. I guess that's all?

Love you:)


My Post, My rules.

I can do whatever I want.
But I don't exactly KNOW what I wanna do..
So, in a random order, MY LOVLY FRIENDS!

SARA!!! She is my not-so-little sister!(:


Kristine!! or should I say... Shaun Quay Quay... (Annessa will get this) I LOVE HER!
Tyler! He's the closest thing to a big brother that i've ever had! And... He likes sushi. (Again, Annessa will get this one)
He's laughing in this picture, by the way.

Sry Ness... This is the only picture of you I had on my laptop. Lol. I think it's funny how it says "Fresh" right behind you.

CATY!! I HAVE KNOWN HER MY ENTIRE LIFE! (LITERALLY)... But you can't see her very well.

Last, but not least, SHELBIE!! ILY! She's hilarious!! And one of the ONLY people that make me feel short.


Cute Quote I totally stole from Annessa's blog

''Friends stab you in the back,
Boys stab you in the heart,
Enemies stab you in the neck,
But only BEST FRIENDS poke eachother with straws."

Haha, I kinda liked that one.
And to be fair for stealing it, here's a link to Annessa's blog.

Luv y'all and sorry for the long pause.